Prelude For a Fast GAMSAT Study Guide

Sage: And so it was – a GAMSAT study guide for the ages. Behold….8BT Sarda Doing Magic

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Maybe this is your first GAMSAT, or this isn’t your practice run anymore, or nobody you know started studying this late?

The stakes have never been higher, you feel the odds are against you, and you can’t bear to face your friends and family if you fail….Maybe it’s the hundreds of dollars (more if you include tutoring), and months of your life that you’re never getting back – and the thought of not wanting to do the GAMSAT again?

But There Is Hope:

You can have the confidence to pass the GAMSAT with less experience and time than you ever thought possible – regardless of what the doubters say.

UQ Med Graduation Swag - Med Badge
Exhibit A: Me. (See About Me)
They give you a sweet pin when you graduate too.

Behold, your solution:

GAMSAT in 2 Months: 
THE GAMSAT Study Guide

FastGAMSAT Ebook Cover 3D
Click the book to add it to the cart!

>>> Download Part 1 of the GAMSAT study guide FOR FREE here <<<

“Passing the GAMSAT Faster, Smarter, and Snarkier.”

My study guide, GAMSAT In 2 Months, will show you how I, a guy with average grades and no science degree, passed the GAMSAT on my first sitting, with just 59 days of study.

Running Preciously Low on Study Time?

almost empty hourglass dark sand

The guide will give you all the insider tips for studying for each Section to save as much time as possible – including why you SHOULD NOT study an entire science subject.

GAMSAT Prep Feeling Like It’s Going Nowhere?

Sisyphus pushes stone
Sometimes, hard work is its own reward – just not when you’re prepping for the GAMSAT.

The guide will show the formulae to getting the MAXIMUM amount of study done each day, and how to tweak every aspect of your life, so you study in peak condition, and sit the GAMSAT with all the preparation you’ve ever wanted for Christmas.

Nervous as Hell about Section 2?

far side gary larson moby dick
Those pristine A4 sheets of paper. They taunt you (then haunt you).

Your most feared GAMSAT Section, because you can’t accidentally your way to a great mark (unlike MCQs)?

I scored 75 for Section 2 (it was my highest-scoring Section), and I share all my tips and practice routines with you, so you get the high score you deserve for this Section.

You even get to see what I wrote for my essays for the actual GAMSAT exam, so you KNOW what it takes to score a high essay mark.

Having a Last-Minute Freak-out?

Science Dog - I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
Trust me, I used to feel like this too.

In GAMSAT In 2 Months, I share my own experiences of GAMSAT day, including exam-taking strategies you can immediately apply (even if the GAMSAT is tomorrow), so you never run out of time or energy.

The most important part of the GAMSAT is… the GAMSAT itself. Don’t stumble at the finish line – give yourself the best chance of passing.

Think There’s Nothing Scarier Than The GAMSAT?

fear despair face in hands

Perhaps most importantly, I warn you about The One Thing scarier than the GAMSAT itself.

It might come for you more than once; it might come for you right before the exam itself.

(It’s not Death himself, by the way – although that would be pretty scary as well.)

If you’re unprepared for it, and you don’t handle it properly, it might mess up your *entire* GAMSAT performance.

I’ll tell you what it’s like, how to deal with it, and the awesomeness that lies on the other side.

Can’t Relate To Other GAMSAT Resources?

boring professional lecture
Take the wrong GAMSAT lecture, and you could end up *this old*.

This is not another blah GAMSAT study guide written by some bald middle-aged guy smugly talking down at you from his academic high horse.

No sir, this guide is like a conversation between friends: Like having a slightly slightly-very nerdy best friend teach you how to pass the GAMSAT – there’ll be a lot of snarky one-liners, gosh-darned PG-rated swearing, and pop-culture references.

wacky fun professor
FastGAMSAT’s more like this guy. What I wouldn’t give to be this guy.

With the “GAMSAT In 2 Months” study guide, you’ll realise that there’s more to the GAMSAT than crying yourself to sleep on the wet bathroom floor (although there’s a lot of that too, if that’s your scene), because you’ll laugh as you learn – which is the best way to learn anyway.

Can’t Stop Panicking About The GAMSAT?

panic and run away
Or stay and fight.

I’ve sat the GAMSAT in less time than was reasonable too, so I know the self-doubt, confusion, and OUTRIGHT PANIC-ATTACK MELTDOWNS(!!!!1) that you’re going through right now.

And I want you to have an outlet for your stress – not by copping out and throwing away your GAMSAT performance though – but by dealing with your GAMSAT fears properly, knowing that someone who’s been in your boat before is guiding you every single step of the way.

So, what are you waiting for?

In GAMSAT in 2 Months: The Fast GAMSAT Study Guide, learn about:

  • What happened on 20th January, 2009, and how it gave me a mindset of success.
  • My strategies for studying and test-taking.
  • How I dealt with pressure and setbacks.
  • Something scarier than the GAMSAT itself, which you might have to deal with.
  • My own experience sitting the GAMSAT.

How will this study guide help you?

  • A Confidence-Booster of a Story:
     If this mug-head can do it, you can too.
  • Analysis of Factors for GAMSAT Success:
     Learn how GAMSAT-ready you are even before starting GAMSAT study, and how much time you need to prepare.
  • FastGAMSAT study strategies for all 3 sections:
    Pass the GAMSAT faster, smarter, and funnier (most important).
  • Crucial Psychology Lessons:
    Get the mindset that you need to crush the GAMSAT (that is good).
  • Essay-writing tips:
    Finish essays on time, and write stuff examiners enjoy reading.
  • Sidebar Navigation Menu:
    Find and read any sections you need, any time.
     Seriously, it doesn’t get better than Netscape-age technology.
  • Vaccination against The Thing that’s scarier than GAMSAT:
    Know to expect this, so you don’t lose all hope if/when it hits.
  • Download link delivered straight to your email address:
    Even if the exam’s tomorrow, you can blaze through the ebook for confidence and inspiration.
  • Learn Habit-Forming Strategies:
    Form habits that stick around longer than New Year Resolutions.
  • Snarky Humour + Pop Culture References scattered throughout:
    If you’re going to read a study guide anyway, you might as well be entertained while you read.
  • Essential Time Management Techniques:
     Discover why you should skip studying an entire Section 3 subject!
    Never run out of time in essay-writing or MCQs again!
  • Personal Tips From Me Throughout the Entire Guide:
    I know how to pass the GAMSAT, I know you want to pass too, and I know that you know that I want to help you pass too – I’ll help you get there.
  • Snarky Cat on the Cover:
     Here to constantly inspire you to get your shit together.
Cat cropped
“Really tired of your SlowGAMSAT bullshit, Mister Gamster.”
  • And heaps more!
    Over 70 pages of things you should know!

Don’t just take my word for it:

FastGAMSAT Testimonial - William Sheeno From Facebook
Just shoot me a message on the FastGAMSAT Facebook page!

The most informative, humorous and enjoyable reading experience

Sandy S testimonial

(To Will) The most informative, humorous and enjoyable reading experience - your personality and your life journey is the best taste of it!

Sandy S.

Intelligently humorous

M Fernando testimonial
The guide is very well-structured with a lot of resources to prepare for GAMSAT. It gives you insight on the conditions of the actual exam day. The guide is easy to understand due to its intelligently humorous style.

It helped me with visualizing my goal and striving for it. I am currently a first year medical student at Western Sydney University. I highly recommend this guide for those who want to pass the gamsat, as Will would say, "faster, smarter and snarkier" 🙂
M. Fernando
1st Year Med, Western Sydney University

Quick to Read, Quick to Understand, VERY Witty

Isabelle C

Well-structured book with most information needed on how to prepare for GAMSAT by listing resources that are either highly recommended or optional. It also gave me a perspective on the conditions of the actual exam setting. And most importantly, this book is quick to read, quick to understand, VERY witty, making it possible for me to read in one setting! Highly recommended for those who have no idea how and where to begin! 🙂

Isabelle C.
Gold Coast

A very informative and interesting read!

Kim T thumbnail

A very informative and interesting read! The style of writing is unconventional, making it a very enjoyable read. The recommended resources and study tips are also very helpful; certainly applicable to all types of studies. Thanks Will!

Kim T.
1st Year Med, University of Melbourne

What a great guide!

Fallon Long Hair

What a great guide! I thoroughly enjoyed the humorous style in which it’s written and found the many study tips and recommended resources incredibly helpful. I’d definitely recommend this eBook to anyone currently studying for the GAMSAT or considering the medicine avenue.  Finding all of these resources is much easier and more enjoyable in this compact GAMSAT study guide. Thanks Will!

Fallon G.
Redland Hospital, Brisbane

A great informative read!

Hilda Partial Face

Your book is a great informative read! I feel like I’ve learnt a bit more about you. I like your approach and even though I’m not doing the GAMSAT, I have certainly benefitted from this book, as much of the theory can be applied to studying in general ? well done!

2nd Year Med, University of Queensland

I love it!

Paul S

It’s very reader friendly, the contents are enough to satisfy almost anyone with questions, it’s concise and straight to the point (and really makes you feel at home with what to expect,
I love it – Thank you so much Will!

Paul S.

You’re Tempted, but Just Want to be Sure?

Don’t worry, you can never be too careful: Download a FREE SAMPLER of the GAMSAT study guide here. It contains the entire Part  1 of the GAMSAT study guide (made up of 4 Parts), which should get you into the groove of the book – you are free to decide whether or not to get the GAMSAT study guide.

What? Free Bonus?!

That’s right – I want to give you all the help I can give.

BONUS Kickstart ebook

No idea how to start GAMSAT prep?

No worries – the  bonus ebook “5 Must-Do Things to Kickstart Your GAMSAT Study” has your back.

Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • How to instantly find study buddies.
  • How to gain accountability, so you stick to your studies.
  • How to make a schedule properly, so you don’t run out of time to study.
  • How to immediately become more efficient at writing essays.
  • What to look for in the perfect textbook.
  • The most important step to GAMSAT prep.
  • …And much more!

15 pages – $25 Value – Included FREE

 Free Bonus #2

You thought the above was all the kindness in the world.

You were wrong.

BONUS All Out GAMSAT Prep Ebook

Is this your only chance – or last ever chance – of ever sitting the GAMSAT?

Give yourself the best chance with the special bonus ebook “All-Out GAMSAT Prep“.

Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • The one way to learn the most tailored study plan for you personally.
  • Why you should be socialising – and how to do it properly during this key period.
  • The most efficient way to get the best advice.
  • The best questions to ask, and why.
  • How to interpret and actually benefit from the advice.
  • …And much more!

16 pages – $30 Value – also included FREE.

Free Bonus #3

Surely there can’t be more…. (there, there just can’t!)

And yet, here it is.

Day 1 ebook 3d Cover + Logo

Think you’re too busy for the GAMSAT?

Think again.

Squeeze out the time you need via the bonus ebook “Day 1: Making Room For GAMSAT Prep” (Part 1 of the BusyGAMSAT series).

Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • How to NOT mess up your life by choosing medicine
  • How to spring-clean your schedule properly for GAMSAT prep
  • How to ask people for help, and have them happy to say yes
  • How to build your distraction-free, GAMSAT-exclusive study bubble
  • How to set yourself up to study anywhere
  • …And heaps more!

37 pages – $40 Value – also included FREE.

Free Bonus #4

Your mum said generosity doesn’t grow on trees.

To which I say: Want an apple?

Play Your Way ebook 3D + Bonus Sign (cropped)

So, you actually ARE too busy for the GAMSAT?

Let’s change that.

Ensure GAMSAT prep is possible with the bonus ebook “Plan Your Way To The Next GAMSAT” (Part 2 of the BusyGAMSAT series).

Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • How to tell if you just think you’re too busy for the GAMSAT, or if you actually are too busy for the GAMSAT 
  • The 3 things that are making you too busy for the GAMSAT
  • …and how to get rid of these 3 things
  • How to hand off your responsibilities without negative consequences
  • How to take time off work for GAMSAT prep WITHOUT losing your job
  • How to take the GAMSAT without having your life fall apart
  • How to build relationships to help you sit the GAMSATfrom scratch
  • How to secretly prep for the GAMSAT even before you start official prep
  • …And heaps more!

65 pages – $55 Value – also included FREE.

Free Bonus #5

Are you resigned to the fact that there is goodness and generosity in life?

I thought not – here’s one more to change your mind:

Best-Kept Secret ebook 3D bonus sign cropped

Are you saving money too slowly to afford to take time off work and start GAMSAT prep?

Let’s boost your savings rate easily.

Pile on the fat stacks with the bonus ebook “The Best-Kept Secret of Side-Jobs” (Part 2.5 of the BusyGAMSAT series).

Here’s what you’ll discover:
  • How to earn $60 per hour (up to $150/hr – or more)…
    • Even during the Coronavirus lockdown and economic downturn
    • …Even if you don’t have the smarts, looks, qualifications, experience, or connections
    • Without doing anything immoral, illegal, or reputation-destroying
    • …Using a minimum of time and effort
    • …Even with a full-time job
    • …While making a real difference
  • How to maximise your chances of landing these jobs regularly
  • How to do these jobs during GAMSAT prep
  • …And tons more!

37 pages – $60* Value – also included FREE.

(*Getting just one of these jobs, will see you make your money back immediately.)

Right, so how much does this sweet-as bundle of joy cost?

Ok, realise that this resource pack could easily sell for over $200 – considering the time, money, and effort that people spend preparing for the GAMSAT, something you can only sit once a year unless you plan on travelling to the other side of the world. In fact, your total investment for the GAMSAT in 2 Months Super Pack (the Big Bad GAMSAT Study Guide + 3 bonus guides) is only $73 $39.95!

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(Note: That’s cheaper than dinner for two. Seriously, that is a date-on-a-budget you’re planning there – are you guys grabbing fancy kebabs or something? What kind of date is that anyway? Seriously, just stick to coffee.)

Cheap Date Album Cover
Although if this is your idea of a cheap date, there is (ahem) room for negotiation yet.

Snarkitty: Snarksy Close-upTo Will, negotiation usually involves some form of the following words: “Let’s go hard, then go home.”
…It’s very intense.

(It’s also a bit cheaper than $470 $490  $500 $510, which is the cost of this coming GAMSAT – the one after this will only be even more expensive.)

Give Me a Discount. Please.

Sure thing: Simply fill in this survey, to get 10% off the total cost of the GAMSAT study guide.

Researcher: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a kid are you?
Researcher: (Writes) A Gazillion….

Yes I know, surveys are evil – but they also tell me how I can help make FastGAMSAT even more helpful to you. It’s a win/win really.

Here’s the link to the survey again.

Wait, so what’s the catch? Why are you pretty much giving the guide away? You charity basket-case! *Shakes fist*

I’ve been called worse before, so I’ll suck it up.

It’s simple – I’ve been through the GAMSAT before: I’ve spent hundreds of dollars betting that I could pass the GAMSAT and get into medical school next year.

Like me, you’ve probably paid a lot of money already for the exam and other GAMSAT resources – why pay way more?

The Promise

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If you don’t feel that the GAMSAT in 2 Months Super Pack was a good investment, I will give you your money back.

There is no risk whatsoever on your part: The burden to deliver is entirely on me.

You can’t really afford not to invest in GAMSAT in 2 Months Super Pack. It’s easy to get started.

Just click the button below, and an email will be sent to your email address. In it will contain a link to download the book onto your computer. It’s that simple.

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Thanks for taking the time to read this – I wish you the best of luck on the exam!


William Chen, MBBS UQ

P.S. Just think! You’ll never again have to worry about what to study, how to study, or what to do next! Click Here to Get Your FastGAMSAT Study Guide Super Pack NOW!

Not quite ready yet? No problem – test the waters out with the ebook 5 Must-Do Things to Kickstart Your GAMSAT Study – free when you sign up to the Mailing List!

BONUS Kickstart ebook

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