Category Archives: Resources

How To Use Reddit For GAMSAT Prep

Reddit is like nuclear energy – powerful in the right hands
So let’s learn to use it for GAMSAT prep without passing the Responsibility Event Horizon

( ゚∀゚)
Gamster, have you ever wanted to learn to use Reddit for GAMSAT prep!

You can use Reddit for GAMSAT prep?

( ゚∀゚)
I’ll take that as a no

It sounds like I should change the errors of my way though?

You’re just saying that to get into our pants

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📣 Podcasts For GAMSAT: Your Secret Weapon

 Headphones Nerdy Asian With White Sunglasses and Braces Podcasts For GAMSAT

“I can study anywhere!”
Listen to podcasts for GAMSAT, and you’ll feel as *academically advantaged* as this guy.

Howdy rowdy, my Gamsters!

If you’re feeling like you’re not stressing enough for the GAMSAT, but also that you’re not de-stressing enough for the GAMSAT, then congrats, you’re feeling like most test-takers.

Now, before you shuffle off for therapy, let me tell you how you can do extra GAMSAT prep, without spending extra time, while being entertained at the same time – through the amazing powers of:

[Le Me] (ノ゚∀゚)ノ☆.。. The Podcast ☆.✧・\ \(^Ф Д Ф^ )و ̑̑  [SnarKitty]

Continue reading 📣 Podcasts For GAMSAT: Your Secret Weapon

Gain Superpowers with Youtube Shortcuts for Studying

Youtube Shortcuts for Studying
10% progress is far away from Fabulous Secret Powers.

But, why Youtube?

I don’t think you know this, but Youtube is kind of a big deal:

  • The most well-known video series out there are hosted on Youtube (e.g. Khan Academy).
  • If something like TED’s own video player isn’t loading or buffering fast enough for your pleasure, you can bet your ass the same video is on Youtube too, playing without a hitch.
  • Google owns Youtube, and due to nepotism, whenever you google for a video, you’re gonna get Youtube results first – that’s just life. This, coupled with the fact that Youtube is the largest video-sharing site in the world, means Youtube is the most convenient video player, hands down.

So, now that we’ve established the obvious, it should follow that Youtube is where you turn to first to learn from video lectures. And that is why I’m going to teach you about Youtube shortcuts for studying.

Why Youtube shortcuts for studying?

So, why should you learn about Youtube shortcuts for studying? Because there are actions you perform often:

Continue reading Gain Superpowers with Youtube Shortcuts for Studying

Definitive Guide To GAMSAT Study Using Khan Academy

A Lot Of Men Could Be Modern Decendants of Genghis Khan
(^ΦдΦ^) Unlike the academy, the original khan was VERY for-profit



If you’ve had any experience prepping for the GAMSAT at all, and pride yourself for not living under a rock, you’ve probably used, or at least heard of Khan Academy.

What is Khan Academy?

Khan Academy was started by one Salman Khan in 2004, when he taught his cousin maths online – his teaching style proved popular, and Sal soon had more demand for his tutoring, and he made the fateful decision to put his teaching video online, back in the OG days of Youtube. Continue reading Definitive Guide To GAMSAT Study Using Khan Academy