Category Archives: Research

How To Use Reddit For GAMSAT Prep

Reddit is like nuclear energy – powerful in the right hands
So letā€™s learn to use it for GAMSAT prep without passing the Responsibility Event Horizon

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Gamster, have you ever wanted to learn to use Reddit for GAMSAT prep!

You can use Reddit for GAMSAT prep?

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Iā€™ll take that as a no

It sounds like I should change the errors of my way though?

Youā€™re just saying that to get into our pants

Continue reading How To Use Reddit For GAMSAT Prep

Yes, Socialising During GAMSAT Prep Is Allowed

Demotivational Socializing Men Insult Women Complement No One Means It
Canā€™t wait to socialise!

Ok look, so hereā€™s the deal.

One of the hardest thing during GAMSAT prep, is turning down social invites.

Coffees, brunches, movies, parties, hang-outs, high teas, Netflix-&-chills, and so-on.

Itā€™s even harder if youā€™re studying for the March GAMSAT, because youā€™ll be studying through the holidays.

And not just a few weeks of holidays.

No, weā€™re talking mid-November to late-February, more than a quarter-of-a-whole-bloody-year holiday.

And you know what? Itā€™s bad enough that you had uni for a whole year, and donā€™t get to have your fair share of long-ass holidays – now you gotta feel guilty about socialising too?

But what if I told you that socialising during GAMSAT prep is perfectly fine? Continue reading Yes, Socialising During GAMSAT Prep Is Allowed