Category Archives: Section 3: Sciences

Why You Must Study Maths For The GAMSAT

How now, brown cow- I mean Gamsters.

If I asked you to start prepping for Section 3 from scratch, what would you do?

Kid's Funny Drawing of Plant Cell of Sad Flower In Cell With Iron Bars And No Windows

Would you start with Biology, because it seems like the widest and most scattered subject – and thus needs the most time, and because B comes before C and P in the alphabet? Continue reading Why You Must Study Maths For The GAMSAT

Definitive Guide To GAMSAT Study Using Khan Academy

A Lot Of Men Could Be Modern Decendants of Genghis Khan
(^Ī¦Š“Ī¦^) Unlike the academy, the original khan was VERY for-profit



If youā€™ve had any experience prepping for the GAMSAT at all, and pride yourself for not living under a rock, youā€™ve probably used, or at least heard of Khan Academy.

What is Khan Academy?

Khan Academy was started by one Salman Khan in 2004, when he taught his cousin maths online – his teaching style proved popular, and Sal soon had more demand for his tutoring, and he made the fateful decision to put his teaching video online, back in the OG days of Youtube. Continue reading Definitive Guide To GAMSAT Study Using Khan Academy