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( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ) šŸ…The GAMSAT Pomodoro (Tomato Timer) Tip That Will Skyrocket Your Prep Efficiency

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Why This Post Matters For Fast Gamsat Prep

Will-power is a limited resource – and if you study for too long without a break, your study efficiency drops, which will hit you harder especially if youā€™re rushed for time.

This blog outlines a simple way to balance full-speed study, with just enough rest to keep you powering on sustainably, as well as tips to get the most out of the technique.

Who This Advice Best Serves

People studying for Section 3 – lots of long study blocks

People who are rushed for prep time

People who have trouble motivating themselves to start studying

People who get distracted easily

People who study for a long time, but donā€™t feel like itā€™s helping

  • You get slower and slower
  • You remember less and less
  • You canā€™t last the whole day
  • Your study session often derails into unproductive stuff


Textbook, groceries, textbook, text back, textbookā€¦.

( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ)恤

Hey Gamster, whatā€™s wrong?

Continue reading ( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ) šŸ…The GAMSAT Pomodoro (Tomato Timer) Tip That Will Skyrocket Your Prep Efficiency

Stop Writing Watercooler Essays: Reading Between The Lines

Three colleagues stand around a water cooler gossiping, reading between the lines
These could be your S2 examiners: Donā€™t be the butt of their jokes

We all know watercooler conversations: Otherwise professional ppl gather around during their breaks, and gossip and complain and make fun of others1Ā .

Section 2 examiners are ppl too, and have their own watercooler conversations. Since ppl who have these sorts of inane, negative, tabloid conversations tend to have poor social skills2, they tend to talk about the same topics, like family, pets, the weather, front-page news, um, family, the weekend, relationships, and work.

By work, I mean essays they marked – including ridiculous, watercooler essays.

Especially watercooler essays.

Continue reading Stop Writing Watercooler Essays: Reading Between The Lines