Thoughts and Predictions About DeepFakes

Deepfake Morph To Emma Watson and Kate Mara

Algorithm: “So like, just copy and paste, right?
What do you want this for anyway?”

Why are we here, Will?

( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ)
Philosophically, you mean?

No, practically: Because this doesnā€™t seem to have anything to do with the GAMSAT.

( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ)
Yep youā€™re right, it doesnā€™t. This post has zero relevance to the GAMSAT. In fact you the reader can only find this page by clicking on some reference I made about DeepFakes – think of this as Easter Egg content, as brief notes of my thoughts about DeepFake technology.

Why did you even write this?

( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ)
Well, a friend posted ā€œGoogle ‘DeepFakes’ and comment your thoughts below.ā€ on Facebook back in April 2018.

Back then, I had no idea what DeepFakes are, and looked it up.

Being a red-blooded dude with libido running through his veins, I developed some very salient thoughts about DeepFakes immediately.

When I went back to the Comments section of the post, I was disappointed by nearly everyone keeping the discussion and insights politically correct and child-friendly.

(Sigh) And what happened next, Will?

( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ)
So I chucked a few smut grenades into that gentlemanly forum, for diversityā€™s sake, with my techno-futuristic projections. Enjoy!



It seems like everyone’s keeping the topic (and their children) away from the smut-elephant in the room, so I’ll shrug and share some of the more un-PC thoughts:

– Rule 34 just leveled up (for great justice)

– The Deepfake phenomonon will be like The Fappening, except it will apply to every person in the world – but because of this great equaliser in social transgression and plausible deniability, the global threshold for privacy and sensitivity to scandal will simply shift, and paradoxically everyone’s anxieties will level out, because everyone will have to learn the lesson of public figures and attractive persons – that somewhere, somehow, someone is getting off to material of your likeness – and that it may or may not be real, but deal with it anyway

– When AR tech matures, and smart-glasses return with a vengeance, FakeApp’s future iteration or successors will be integrated into everyday life, with real-time processing and streaming, for NSFW functions (like generating smut for later – or, um, current – consumption), or SFW purposes (e.g. to help socially anxious ppl* to visualise how to interact with the person in front of them; or to aid performance-visualising for interviews or elevator pitches or chat-ups and whatnot [29/12/18 HR, for visualising how the candidate looks in uniform or in common scenarios- especially customer-facing ones. I can also anticipate SEO-like interviewing advice about accentuating positive facial expressions for the most favourable simulations]) (25/1/19 *You know the advice for beating stage fright, “imagine the audience naked”? Soon you can outsource that job, so you can focus on your speech, or, um, not focus on your speech [but with less social anxiety, so either way, you still win])

X ALL The Y John Lennon Imagine ALL The People

Sometimes, the imagination can be overrated ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

– An entire subsection of the porn industry will develop, featuring green screens, and body shapes and hair and positions and voices of all sorts, to form open-source or paid templates conducive to DeepFaking

– Freelancing pornstars will offer services to simulate the physicalities and scenarios the user wants (for a fiver, no less). The entertainers may even get temporary tattoos or wear accessories for user-perceived “accuracy” for some add-on costs.

– The above explosion of template products will require exhaustive metadata and SEO adherence for ease of crawler-indexing and end-user-searching – because accuracy and believability are paramount to Deepfaking

– I canā€™t really foresee how this will impact dating and relationships yet – other than that cheating will become harder and harder to prove, and that girl-next-door smut may lead to increased complacency in terms of socialising and dating

Dilbert Virtual Reality VR Dating Doomed Holodeck

The irony is that the object of affection is most likely Ā still the same bloody person.

– I’m not up-to-date with Black Mirror, so I don’t know if this has been done already – but this topic is way too topical not to be done for the new season

– The time for shippers have come

– The time for Nicholas Cage and Adrian Brody have come

– VR potential, you ask? Let’s just say that ever-Ready is what Player One is all about

– FYI, FakeApp shortens to FAp: This is probably the most important lesson of this post

( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ)
And here are some further thoughts, or some thoughts expressed differently


Fake App shortens to Fap

Rule 34 goes 3D

ASMRtists ripe for this: Already doing intimacy or softcore porn, and lots of facial expression close-ups in different lightings, with lots of mouth movements

Itā€™s an extension of The Fappening in its limit-pushing of public acceptance of porn, from celebrities to potentially everyone

IG photos are a rich source for such hijinks

With AR tech in the future – I can see illegal apps that detects girls you see on the street, processes their face and figure in real time (the more you loiter around, the more visual data you can gather for accurate processing), and generates smut thatā€™s linked to your smart-glasses directly, which you can save as smut for later, enjoy as youā€™re interacting with her (like when watching porn, skipping from the pre-porn clothed and normal scene to the naked and hardcore scene) or to help you decide whether or not to try to chat up and sleep with that girl. Porn scouts can use it too.

Dilbert Dating In 2018

If social credit scores also factor into the equation for you, then I am truly sorry.

An entire subsection of the porn industry will develop with green screens, and body shapes and hair and positions and voices of all sorts to form open-source or pirated templates to make themselves conducive to DeepFaking

Freelancing pornstars may offer services to simulate the scenarios the user wants; so they can map the girl theyā€™re after on later

I canā€™t really foresee how this will impact dating and relationships yet – other than that cheating will become harder and harder to prove

This warrants its own Black Mirror episode to explore the issues ppl can foresee right now

Every girl will be made to feel like Angie Varona as they will all have fake porn floating around online – but its ubiquity and equality will ironically lead to more acceptance and comfort (the girls who really have sex videos can sleep easier, knowing thereā€™s plausible deniability there). May make it easier to convince girls to make sex tapes in future, due to lower perceived consequences.

Porn and pornstars will start to become sorted and metadata-ed by things like height, weight, shape, measurements, shade, hairstyle, positions, scenarios, etc, for ease of DeepFake crawler SEO



Googling yourself to check the quality, proliferation, view-count, and rating of your own DeepFakes will become a new form of vanity metric

Guys might even research this for girls theyā€™re considering hooking up with or dating, to see how much social value any particular girl will afford them.

Wow, there are some really un-PC views in here.


( ļ¾Ÿāˆ€ļ¾Ÿ)
Of course there would be: There is nothing PC about how porn works. Or dating and relationships, for that matter: There might be the bleach-sanitised, PG-13 versions you hear about at weddings, or read on Wikipedia; but the stuff you talk about with besties, or write down in diaries, or ship in your brain – there is nothing there that wouldnā€™t make ppl blush and swoon if it ended up online.

The above are just my #Futuristism predictions about how DeepFakes will affect society – I wrote them with accuracy in mind, not minimising offense. If youā€™re offended by this, thenā€¦ I guess add me to your To Hate list or something.

Again, this had nothing to do with GAMSAT. I posted this more for bragging rights in case any of my predictions comes true. If you enjoyed reading this, then thatā€™s a nice bonus too.

Now, get back to GAMSAT prep already!