Tag Archives: essays

Stop Writing Watercooler Essays: Reading Between The Lines

Three colleagues stand around a water cooler gossiping, reading between the lines
These could be your S2 examiners: Don’t be the butt of their jokes

We all know watercooler conversations: Otherwise professional ppl gather around during their breaks, and gossip and complain and make fun of others1 .

Section 2 examiners are ppl too, and have their own watercooler conversations. Since ppl who have these sorts of inane, negative, tabloid conversations tend to have poor social skills2, they tend to talk about the same topics, like family, pets, the weather, front-page news, um, family, the weekend, relationships, and work.

By work, I mean essays they marked – including ridiculous, watercooler essays.

Especially watercooler essays.

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📣 Podcasts For GAMSAT: Your Secret Weapon

 Headphones Nerdy Asian With White Sunglasses and Braces Podcasts For GAMSAT

“I can study anywhere!”
Listen to podcasts for GAMSAT, and you’ll feel as *academically advantaged* as this guy.

Howdy rowdy, my Gamsters!

If you’re feeling like you’re not stressing enough for the GAMSAT, but also that you’re not de-stressing enough for the GAMSAT, then congrats, you’re feeling like most test-takers.

Now, before you shuffle off for therapy, let me tell you how you can do extra GAMSAT prep, without spending extra time, while being entertained at the same time – through the amazing powers of:

[Le Me] (ノ゚∀゚)ノ☆.。. The Podcast ☆.✧・\ \(^Ф Д Ф^ )و ̑̑  [SnarKitty]

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