GAMSAT March 2022: Why You Should Sit It

Haikyuu Volleyball Anime - Four Characters Waiting For Exam  - FastGAMSAT GAMSAT March 2020
Which one will you be during the exam?

When Is GAMSAT March 2022 Held?

Hey Will, when is the GAMSAT held in March 2022?

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The March 2022 GAMSAT sitting will be held between 18th to 23rd March 2022.

But There’s Also A September GAMSAT

Wait, but I read somewhere that there’s also a sitting later in the year.

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That would be the September GAMSAT – that will be held between 5th to 9th September 2022.

GAMSAT March 2022: The Details

Ok, so if there are two sittings, which one should I sit…?

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That’s a very good question, and I go through the reasons in two separate posts – in GAMSAT September 2022: Why You Should Sit It, I focus on the September GAMSAT. 

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In this post, I focus on the March GAMSAT.

Then, without further ado~

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Yep, let’s dig in.

Advantage: Great Timing For Most Uni Students

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Gamster, since you’re sitting the GAMSAT, which is the graduate medical entrance exam, it’s reasonable to assume that you know of university, right?

That’s a very conservative assumption… but yes, that’s correct.

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Ok, so you know that most uni students attend 2 semesters a year, which run from around February until November.

Yeah, some unis may be 1 or 2 weeks early or later, but that’s the ballpark.

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So, you can appreciate how well the March GAMSAT lines up with most university timetables then: For unis which don’t operate on trimesters (AKA most unis), and ppl who don’t do summer semesters (AKA most ppl), March just came out of a several-month holiday, into the relatively low-stakes start of a new semester.

So, meaning that by sitting the March GAMSAT, you get more time to prep, with less stress?

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For the most part, if you’re a uni student who’s studying at most two semesters a year, and have no other responsibilities taking up your time.

What if you do have a bit too many responsibilities though, like my friend Bamster?

Hi – my cortisol levels are always on a natural high.

You might have Cushing’s.

I’ll get it checked out.

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If you super have responsibilities, then you need to figure out if you can take the next GAMSAT – and if not, what to do about this. 

Yeah, I actually have no idea.

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I cover these topics in the bonus BusyGAMSAT ebooks, as part of the study guide bundle, mentioned on the homepage.

I’ll check it out.

Advantage: Suitable For Same-Year Application

What are some other advantages sitting GAMSAT March 2022?

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Well, there’s the most obvious benefit, which is that if you do well, the March GAMSAT score qualifies you for same-year application, so you get into medicine the following year.

Which is the fastest possible way in, if you’re wondering.

Cool, does this apply to every university that accepts GAMSAT scores?

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It literally does.

So, does that mean that one can only use September GAMSAT scores for next-year applications?

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Not necessarily – the UK med school applications are so late in the year, that both the March and September GAMSAT scores are relevant for same-year applications – I explore the implications of this issue in Why You Should Sit GAMSAT September 2022.

Summary: Why Sit GAMSAT March 2022

So, which people should sit the March GAMSAT?

You’re A University Student On A “Normal” Timetable

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So firstly, the ppl who are studying full-time, who get the December to February period off. I.e. they don’t study trimesters or summer semester

You Want Same-Year Application To Med School NOT In The UK

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Or, if the above doesn’t apply to you, if you’re aiming for same-year application and following-year entry, in med schools other than the UK, then you have to sit the March exam.

Want loads more tips and strategies?

Including learning about a side-gig that pays $60 or more?

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Yep – with no qualifications, labour, or dodgy-ness.

I’m in.

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If that’s a yes, then check out the FastGAMSAT ebook pack on the homepage!

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And yes, that’s Snarksy on the cover.

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Draw me like one of your French girls, Willeo.